22)  ANDY ESENWEIN (28)- obviously, he won't be around much this summer if at all, because if he was, he'd certainly be about 15 spots further north.
23)  KURT RODEMOYER (26)- k-unit has always been an interesting baseketballer.  i can recall a near .800 batting average during the heartbreakers 2003 championship run, but i can also recall more single misses than perhaps any player in sbl history coming off his fingertips.  however, i can most definately remember him drilling mckendry in the stones with a nerf football from 30 feet last summer, which was fucking hilarious.
24)  BRANDON MCKEDNRY (25.5)- i mean, you should have seen the look on his fact when his scrotum wedged itself between his tonsils...  what a riot.
25)  DANIELLE HENNON (25)- if all she has to do is bang out singles and doubles and scamper around the bases when someone else gets a homer, she'll be awesome.  two years ago would anyone have seriously considered her to be a viable leadoff option?
26)  MIKE FRANKOVICH (24)-  there may not be a player in the league more looking forward to season 6 like mike frank.  i'd be shocked if anyone actually considered him to be the 25th best player in the sbl by august.  look for him to end the lackey family's dominance in the most improved player department this year.
27)  LEE NESPOR (23.5)- alright, so he's probably not starter material until he can get that batting average above .300, but given his ability to knock down the longball and his near-spotless attendance record, lee is an excellent addition to any squad.  quick fact: did you know lee is currently tied for fifth all-time in sbl homers?
28)  PAT NESPOR (23)- yes, lee did get outplayed by pat last season, and pat was a major player in the tots playoff run, but i still think there's a reasonable chance pat gets ripped in half during a scrum, which would make it really hard for him to come every single week.  should he prevent bisection, pat could be a decent leadoff hitter on a team with three solid defenders.
"IRISH" TERRY HALL (23)- i'm sure he'll be real pleased to find his name in this spot...
30)  DANK ELLY (22.5)- since nobody seems to know exactly when dank will be returning from germany, it's tough to give the former rookie of the year  any reliability points at all.  besides, dank spending a year a stone's throw from the netherlands virtually guarantees he'll flunk the league's piss test when he gets back.
31)  JEREMY BATTYANI (22)- wasn't it amazing to see what jeremy did after escaping the iron-fisting rule of morocovich last season?
32)  TED GILLILAND (21.5)- teddy ballgame, try as he may, cannot escape the grip of the shenangahela baseketball league.  the foremost close captioner in western pennsylvania will make it back for a few homers this season, and most likely miss them all.
LENNY CRIST (21.5)- where the fuck did lenny dissapear to last year?  and why did nate tomko have more psyche-outs than him?
34)  ERIN HAYDEN (19)- with rumours circulating that hayden herself is looking to captain a team in 2006, she'll most likely get to play a lot more.  whether that is a good thing for team hayden has yet to be determined, but it's tough to discount someone who seems to enjoy playing the game so much.
JAMIE MOROCO (19)- when jamie passes up the chance to fulfill her lifelong baseketball ambition and play on a true competitor, we know something is up.  this year, jamie's internship is some other part of the united states (possibly canada or wyoming) is what is "up".  still, she'll probably be one of the first people picked, and if she's not, she'll come back to bite someone in the ass a la jon olsavsky a couple years ago.  and speaking of biting people in the ass, jamie will lick your cornhole for a beer and a bag of corn chips.
36) JAMIE FABIAN (18.5)- honestly, can someone tell me the odds that the only two jamie's in the league would be the bottom two?

pres 2006