for ted gilliland

1- so let's get right to it.  there have been quite a few rumors circulating lately that you may be looking to retire from baseketball.  care to verify of disprove?
this was true, but then i was talked out of it.  i wanted to because i was sick of seeing my name in print.  i don't take criticism very well.

2- obviously, you've had your run-ins with a number of sbl superstars over the year, from the big (rando) to the small (salcedo).  which sbl player would you most like to throttle?
shernisky.  i hope i can make the first full scrum of the year so i can participate in some tag team finishers with you guys.

3- you've been a team captain for each of the last 2 seasons.  do you think playing under someone will help or hurt your on-court showing?
well i obviously won't play as much, but that's because i'll be away most of the summer.  we'll see what develops.

4- speaking of your new captain, are you at all worried that ben might still feel spited about the lack of playing time you gave him in 2003 and repay the favor?
i don't think so, i think ben is above all of that.  he'll play everyone equally.

5- so why so protective of the little sister?
because i am close with her and it pisses me off that people make fun of her for the benefit of seeing me pissed.
(editors note- so what ted's saying here is that, people only talk about his sister to piss him off.  which pisses him off.  so one could assume that if he stopped getting pissed, people would no longer have any reason to talk about his sister, correct?)

6- you're by far the biggest player in the league.  why do you tend to shy away from the scrums?  it seems to me you'd like getting a little physical.
not at all.  i am just not a fan of participating in them.

7- what would you be happier to accomplish this season:  win a championship, win the regular season homerun total, or go an entire season without someone ripping on your sister?
a tie between 1 and 3.

8- which wwe wrestler, past or present, would you most liken yourself to?
no comment.

9- it's been said that you once failed in an attempt to eat 20 cheeseburgers in one sitting.  i find this hard to believe.  care to elaborate?
mcclelland likes to tell stories.

10- construct your sbl dream team.  gimme 6 player (4 starters and 2 bench) including yourself that would have the best shot at winning you your first sbl championship.
nate tomko, matt mcclelland, jon biddle, jon olsavsky, shelley goodpastor and myself.  i don't know who i'd put where.

11- you're known as a ladies man, and we all know your history with one ween farmartino.  anyone currently  in the sbl got your eye?

no, i have someone down here tho in my sights.

12- alright, give it to me.  you had two rookies on your team a couple years ago that turned out to be pretty decent player.  so who's better, biddle or mcclelland?
biddle, because double-play makers are a key commodity.  offense wins games, defense wins championships.  (i just felt like saying that)

BONUS QUESTION:  who do you think's gonna be the first person to seriously injure shernisky this season?

rando has a shot, because he throws caution to the wind and doesn't give a fuck most of the time.

alright, well thank you very much teddy ballgame for your time.  let's do this again some time!
