jeremy battyani
jason betts
jason biddle

kassy brown
katie burger
anne carine
dean catania
andy changoway
aryn christman
steve "little bitch" condo
kip corbett
lenny crist
mike devito
pat dudas
andy esenwein
adam fabian
ween farmartino
elysa farrell
jen gavala
ted gilliland
ted's sister
erin hayden
danielle hennon
sean hood

amber hoover
chris hvizdak
phil jones
katie kelly
big rando knight
blaise knight-lockovich (spelling?)
jeff knight
greg lackey
pat lackey
joel lepak
erin leyde
derek lockovich
tessa lockovich
sam lynn


chris mclaughlin
steve mentrek
fat tony merolillo
jeff meyers
tim meyers

todd miller
jamie moroco
mike muszik
lee nespor
patrick nespor
pj nespor

jeff pallini
billy picciotto
kim powell
cassie pyle
brendan radcliffe
paul radkowski
kurt rodemoyer
seth salcedo
fred shaffer

adam stainbrook
ali szabo
mark tarkanick

so far, the names below are the only players eligible to be drafted on march 13th.  if you're name isn't on this list and you think it should be, let us here at the dot com know and we'll get right on that. 
also, if you have a player you want to enter in the draft, let us know sooner as opposed to later.  and remember, if you wait till after the draft to try to pick someone up, every other team must pass on them for you to get them.
* because jared clayton is pretty damn good, and as of now the teams are quite fair, he has been removed from the draft as his being drafted may offset the precious balance of the league.  if he decides to play, which as of now is up in the air, which team he'll be placed on will be evaluated at that time.  besides, we always like to keep clayton available to captain his own team.  he likes doing that.