Shenangahela Baseketball League Bigshots |
NATE TOMKO PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER email- duties as President: overseeing every facet of the SBL including but not limited to: website co-editor, scheduling, feeding Hood butter, league physician and elephant wrangler, being the person who keeps pj & the ladies on that precious ledge where reality meets fantasy, random drug tester, head of the all-star selection commitee, head of the all-american selection commitee, head of the hall of fame selection commitee, field liner, head groundskeeper, bungee tester, morse code decipherer, kip stroker, taxi driver, maintenance supervisor, accounts receiveable, accounts payable, head of franchising, minor league scouting director, head cheerleader, cucumber pickler, post-baseketball fire arranger, post-baseketball fire builder, hoop repairman and all-around fairly good guy. as president, nate also has veto-power to overturn any decisions made by his fellow board members. |
BILLY WEISBERG SENIOR CHIEF OF STAFF/HEAD PRESIDENTIAL CONSULTANT duties: when the board of directors cannot be reached and a decision needs to be made, the senior chief of staff and president tomko shall convene and will make any needed calls on any aspect of the sbl, the only time a vote of the board is not needed. also, the senior chief of staff will take the place of the president if, for any reason, he is unable to fulfill his duties. TERRY SHERNISKY SERGEANT OF ARMS duties: mr. shernisky's main job as sergeant of arms is to decide upon, deliver and enforce any penalties that the sbl isssues onto it's players. also, the s.o.a. will take on the role of head referee, overseeing all other referees and having the ability to overrule any decision made by the acting ref(s). ASSISTANT TO THE TRAVELING SECRETARY duties: as assistant to the traveling secretary, * will focus on the sbl rulebook, making changes and deciphering rules for the sbl's players. * will work closely with the sergeant of arms when any questions or challenges to the rulebook are made, as well as advising penalties for the S.O.A. to enforce. in addition to his duties involving the sbl rules, the assistant to the traveling secretary is also expected to be one of the main contributers to the sbl website. BIG RANDO KNIGHT REAR ADMIRAL/KEY GRIP duties: in charge of both all sbl courts and concessions, it is up to sbl rear admiral rando to ensure the sbl has sites to play at for the entire season. also, he will be head concessioneer, ensuring that the rest of the sbl will be provided refreshments by the appropriate team for the weeks games. as key grip, it is the big guy's job to make sure everyone gets humped and likes it. KIP CORBETT VICE PRESIDENT OF EAST COAST OPERATIONS duties: as vice president of east coast operations, one must oversee all aspects of the website. in addition to being head website technichian, the v.p. of east coast ops will also be co-editor with president tomko and a main contributer of content. besides the website, he also takes on the role of fashion police, making sure that all teams are in proper uniform for their games. in a newly added role, he/she is also the director of photograhy for the sbl. when a board member is unable to fulfill their duties, the v.p. of east coast operations fills the void. for example, mr. kip would act as sergeant of arms should mr. shernisky be unavailable. |