National Conference

The Lochnessovich Monster

Capitan: Jon Biddle
Projected Lineup:
  • 1. Jon Biddle
  • 2. Andy Esenwein??
  • 3. Mark Tarkanick??
  • 4. Brandon McKendry
  • Bench- Greg Lackey is the only player in this unit likely to show up more than once, and since he'll be likely to start games when he does show up..this team has no options off the bench other than two, solid, unreliable rookies (Big Ando and Mike Devito).
  • Analysis- With Esenwein and Tarkanick in the lineup, The Lochnessovich Monster could set the record for most runs in a season. Without them, they're more likely to set the record for most forfeits. Even with those two superstars in there, I'm not quite sure how the styles of Esenwein, Tarkanick, and B. Mac will mix. All three are homerun hitters, and that could create some problems. That goes without mentioning a man who once hit seven home runs in a game, Jon Biddle. There are too may "what ifs" to predict how this team is going to do. I will say that if Jon Biddle can shoot consistently good as he did towards the end of last year, Esenwein and Tark show up, and B. Mac improves on his big numbers of 2004, this team will be a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, I don't see the middle and most important one happening.

  • Team Substance Abuse

    Capitan: Shelly Goodpastor
    Projected Lineup:
  • 1. Shelly Goodpastor
  • 2. Kip Corbett
  • 3. Dank Elly
  • 4. Lee Nespor
  • Bench- Kurt Rodemoyer, if he's around, could make this team as good as any. Other than him, you probably won't see anybody else from this unit.
  • Analysis- For the first time in her career, Shelly will play without Nate Tomko. And although she doesn't have a Tomko-like player on her team, she's surrounded by a solid supporting cast, including the 2003 homerun derby champion (Lee Nespor), the 2004 Rookie of the Year (Dank Elly), and a former all-star and all american (Kip Corbett). Add K-Unit into the mix, and you have a team that should win the National Conference. Without him, this team should still be ok. If I had to guess now, I would give this team 12-13 wins and say that they'll be in a heated competition with Team Felch for the top spot in the conference.

  • Team Felch

    Capitan: Bryan Frankovich
    Projected Lineup:
  • 1. Matt McClelland
  • 2. Bryan Frankovich
  • 3. Pat Lackey
  • 4. Patrick O'Mahoney
  • Bench- Mike Frankovich, if he's like his brother, should be a solid player who may or may not be romantically involved with Mikey Moroco. Pat Dudas and Andy Changoway would both be good players should they show up. Expect Changoway (Mac's roommate) to show up more, as I'm sure Mac will drag him kickin' and screamin'.
  • Analysis- Good move: Signing the reigning POTY pre-draft. Bad move: Picking an unknown rookie in the first round over your own father. Sure, Pat O'Mahoney might be tall and athletic and a potential ROTY, but at the same time he might not be able to get adjusted to the style of play in the SBL and/or might not show up too often. It's very possible that this team could have all four of its starters show up, have four ROTY candidates (O'Mahoney, Dudas, Changoway, M. Frank) and two POTY candidates (Mac, B. Frank)..and this team could reign supreme come August. It's also possible that Mac gets a job in North Carolina (though unlikely), Lackey doesn't show up as much as expected, and none of the four rookies show up regularly...leaving Frankovich fucked like a 12 year old boy at Neverland Ranch. I do believe that the core players will be around for most of the summer, giving this team a good chance to win the National Conference. But you just never know...

  • American Conference Preview